Rules for pilots operating at White Ox Mead
Safe operation of all flights into and out of White Ox Mead is a primary consideration at all times and the guidance of this list.
Noise reduction is a primary consideration. Aircraft should depart to the South and climb safely and efficiently away from the Strip. No excessive rates of climb after building speed in ground effect. Reduce to cruise power when possible but only if safe to do so.
Individual Pilots are responsible for ensuring their Aircraft performance meets the varied conditions that may occur.
The Field Entrance Gate must be closed on exit or at end of visit.
Hangar Doors should be closed and locked when no one is in attendance. i.e. Flying or fetching Fuel.
Take Off and landing times should be within 08.00 and 20.00
Prior to each flight an entry must be made in Airstrip Movements Book. Details of intended flight should be added as a remark. i.e. Not returning same day.
‘Touch and go’ circuits are NOT allowed. Minimum time before return to Airstrip is 10 minutes. The only exception will be for flight safety reasons.
All Departures, Arrivals and flight in area will follow Chart procedures.
Approach height is around 1000’ AGL from South using Bristol QNH.
On return enter the landing time and any other remarks in Airstrip Movement Book
Place Aircraft in Hangar and Lock doors. Lock Field gate on Exit.
Check Strip is clear on Final approach. Go around if unsure.
Be aware of Bristol CTA lower height has ‘steps’. 3500’ over Strip, very quickly 2000’ at Peasedown St John, further decreasing to 1500’ closer the Airport.
WOM is registered with RAF Low Flying Unit at Wittering and appears on RAF Low Level Charts. It is quite possible that low level, high speed traffic may transit the area on weekdays. Keep a good lookout and use Pilot Aware.
Any problems please call 07808 402404.