White Ox Mead uses Safety Com to ensure safe departure and arrivals as well as awareness of resident aircraft in the local vicinity. Sometimes these calls will not be answered but please continue to transmit ‘blind’. Before reaching area monitor Bristol Approach on 125.650 with a listening squawk of 5077. Bristol do not offer a LARS service outside controlled airspace.
ARRIVAL Procedure
Make call to Safety Com with Height, Position and Intentions. e.g.:
“White Ox Mead Traffic. G-DI at 1500’ Radstock VRP descending to join downwind
for 24”
Call “DOWNWIND” or “FINAL” as appropriate and in sequence.
Report when runway vacated, e.g.:
“White Ox Mead Traffic. G-DI Clear of Active Runway.”
This assists when traffic is using 06 and cannot see any traffic joining runway or
taxiing at 24 end.
DEPARTURE Procedure:
All Aircraft after start up will select Safety Com on 135.480.
Prior to aircraft movement it is essential that Pilot ‘listens out’ and then makes a brief TAXI or MOVEMENT transmission, e.g:
“White Ox Mead Traffic. G-DI taxiing to holding point 24 or 06”
These can be blind transmissions. Once ready to depart Aircraft makes a departure call, e.g.:
“White Ox Mead Traffic. G-DI departing 24 or 06 climbing out to South West/South East.“
Flight continues using a listening watch on Safety Com until clear and then can proceed en route frequency.
Before changing frequency please make simple call to sign off Safety Com, e.g.:
“White Ox Mead Traffic. G-DI clearing to the East/West/South”
Then change to en route frequency.
Bristol QNH to be used at all times.
Use abbreviated Call Sign or Aircraft type.
These actions are MANDATORY. Non-radio equipped aircraft please notify by phone before flight.